Wednesday 22 February 2012

Gluten free bubble cereal

Every morning my girls wake up and the first thing they ask for is their "bubbles!" This is just a mixture of gluten free puffed grains I mix together with added seeds and berries. A great alternative to those packaged breakfast cereals that can be full of added sugar and fat and perfect for those following a gluten free diet.

In each bowl I place an equal quantity of puffed rice and puffed millet (or amaranth) and mix together. I also give them a small bowl on the side with a mixture of different seeds (usually pumpkin and sunflower seeds) and goji berries and let them add them to the cereal. I find it's a good way to keep them interested and involved.

Puffed rice can be found in the health food aisles in most supermarkets and the other puffed grains normally only in health food shops. Goji berries are great because they are full of antioxidants but any dried fruit could be used.

I know alot of people struggle to get their kids to eat breakfast but I have the opposite problem. I have to stop them after their third bowl! (after all, they are only two!)

Saturday 4 February 2012

Chocolate orange cupcakes

My two year old girls have an obsession with birthday parties at the moment and every day we have a pretend party for one of their teddies. (It was humpty dumpty's turn today!) Luckily they don't expect real cakes every day but are happy making pretend cakes in their sandpit. Since it is the weekend, I thought I would be extra nice and make them real ones and what kid doesn't like a good chocolate cake. This cake is gluten free, dairy free and so moist and chocolatey. According to my husband it tastes like a really good chocolate brownie and my kids didn't have to say anything, they were so excited that they forgot the birthday party and scoffed them down!

2 oranges
1 cup of 100% pure maple syrup
4 cups of ground almonds
6 free range eggs
0.75 cup of cocoa powder

1. Preheat oven to 170C (fanforced) and line muffin trays with cupcake cases or lightly grease.
2. Place two whole oranges in a saucepan with water. Bring to boil and simmer for 1 hour.(Alternatively oranges could be steamed for 40 minutes.) Drain and allow to cool before cutting into quarters and placing in a food processor or thermomix to puree until smooth (with skin on!) To make sure the cake isn't too bitter I cut off the ends of the oranges where the thickest skin is and remove seeds before blending.
3. Add eggs and maple syrup and process again to combine.
4. Tranfer to a large bowl and fold in ground almonds and cocoa powder.
5. Spoon into muffin tray and bake for ~30 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.

Makes 24 cupcakes

Friday 3 February 2012

Salmon, sweet potato and salad

This is not a fancy dinner but it tastes great and it is so easy to prepare. It is cooked in the oven, so no time wasted standing over the stove top and no extra dishes to wash up! I cook one piece of salmon and one small sweet potato per person and then make a big salad to share.

1.Preheat oven to 200C (fanforced).
2. Wash whole sweet potatoes and place on tray lined with foil in the oven.
3. In the meantime, prepare the salmon by placing in foil and adding a few splashes of olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and parsley. Bring the sides of the foil to the centre to make a sealed parcel.
4. After 45 minutes, reduce temperature of oven to 180C, put the salmon in the oven with the sweet potato and cook for 10-15 minutes until salmon cooked the way you like.
5. Prepare salad by combining mixed salad leaves, with some avacado and chopped walnuts. Dress salad with olive oil (or macadamia oil) and balsamic vinegar.
6. Serve salmon immediately with sweet potato and salad.

Although the salad has only three ingredients, the combination of soft avocado with the crunch of the walnuts is delicious. Allowing the sweet potato to cook for an hour, brings out it's natural sweetness and so it doesn't really need any extra toppings. Without really trying, this recipe ends up being super healthy and super tasty!