Friday 28 October 2011

Fast fried rice

This is a perfect recipe for the kids. It has so many different colours and textures which makes it visually and tastefully enticing. It is made healthier than the chinese takeaway fried rice by using brown rice and reduced salt soy sauce. Since it's so fast and easy to make, there is no point opting for the takeaway version.

400g long grain brown rice (~2 cups)
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 eggs, lightly beaten
500g frozen mixed vegies (carrots, peas and corn)
300g bacon, chopped into small pieces
2 tbs reduced salt soy sauce

1. Cook rice following packet instructions using preferred method. Set aside once cooked.
2. Heat a little vegetable oil in a wok or large fry pan over medium heat. Make a thin omelette by swirling the eggs in the pan for 2 minutes and then turning over and cooking for a further minute. Transfer to a board and when cool cut into thin strips.
3. Heat a little more oil in pan and stir fry bacon and onion until onion softened. Add frozen vegies and stirfry for a further few minutes or until cooked through. Add rice, eggs and soy sauce and stir together until all combined and heated through. Serve immediately.

My girls scoffing it down!

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Healthy corn chips and dips for the kids

I try and limit my children's processed food and salt intake but still try not to deprive them of enjoying a variety of food and treats. These corn chips are made of mountain bread which are basically very thin corn wraps that are toasted in the oven. They are cholesterol free, low in salt and sugar and are perfect for making into crunchy chips. My kids think having chips is such a treat especially when I make some dips to go with them. If I don't have time or if my kids are too hungry to wait (which happens quite often!) then I just serve thick natural style yogurt as a dip.

To make the avocado dip, mash in a bowl half an avacado with 2 tbs natural yoghurt or ricotta and a dash of lemon juice. (the lemon juice is just to stop the avocado from browning so if the dip is going to be eaten straight away, it's not necessary)

For the second dip roast a whole sweet potato for ~45 mins in 200C (fanforced) oven or until soft. Allow to cool and discard skin before mashing the sweet potato with 2 tbs natural yoghurt or ricotta.

For the corn chips you need one packet of corn mountain bread. Cut into triangles and place in a 180C oven for a few minutes until lightly brown and crisp. Serve with dips and cucumber fingers or any other vegie stick (ie carrot or celery) and let the munching begin!

Monday 10 October 2011

Apricot chicken

I love the idea of apricot chicken and thought it was a healthy meal my 2 year olds would love too. On my search for the perfect recipe, I was surprised to find that a lot of the recipes for apricot chicken weren't as healthy as I thought.  Lots of recipes use french onion soup sachets which are full of salt and apricot nectar which is high in sugar. After playing around with some ideas, I have come up with this recipe which is low in salt and has no added sugar but is still full of flavour. By using pureed Ardomona apricot halves, you cut out all the sugar which is added to apricot nectar and other tinned apricot products. This is great because the last thing my girls need before bed is sugar!

0.5 cup plain flour
1kg (8 pieces) skinless chicken thighs
2 tbs olive oil
1 large brown onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground paprika
410g can of Ardomona pie fruit apricot halves (blended until smooth)
1 cup water
1 tsp reduced salt vegetable stock concentrate

1. Preheat oven to 180C (fanforced).
2. Coat chicken with flour and then cook with 1 tbs oil in a large pan over medium to high heat for 2-3 mins or until brown all over. Set aside in a casserole dish.
3. Reduce heat to medium and cook onion and garlic for 3-4 mins or until tender. Add coriander, cumin, paprika and vegetable stock concentrate and cook for another 1 minute.
4. Stir in pureed apricots and water and bring to boil.
5. Pour sauce over chicken, cover casserole dish and place in 180C oven for 45-60 mins. Serve with rice or cous cous.

Apricot chicken served with brown rice

Monday 3 October 2011

Pumpkin, honey and sultana muffins

This is a great way to use up left over pumpkin from last night's dinner. I find it funny that the same kids that won't eat the pumpkin from dinner will happily scoff down a muffin and will ask for more. 

1.5 cups of wholemeal self raising flour, sifted
0.25 cup honey
1 egg, lightly beaten
0.3 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sultanas
1 cup cooked, mashed pumpkin

1. Preheat oven to 160C (fan forced) and grease a 12 hole muffin pan or use paper patty cases.
2. Place sifted flour in a large bowl. Whisk together oil, honey and egg in a separate bowl and add to flour.
3. Add pumpkin and sultanas and mix together until just combined.
4. Fill muffin cases or pan and bake for ~ 20mins or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.
5. Allow to cool before serving.

These are great for kids to take to school as they contain no nuts or dairy. They can be wrapped individually in plastic wrap to freeze and taken out in the morning to be put in the lunch box for that day. Also great with that morning or afternoon coffee or tea (I know from experience!)